Train with the only Black Belt World Champion in Arizona
Soul Fighters HQ is the Premium Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy conveniently located in Tempe, Arizona.
We have all heard the term Body, Mind and Soul as the foundation that encompasses us as human beings. Body being our Physical wellbeing, Mind being our mental state and Soul as the spiritual glue that binds us all together.
Here at Soul Fighters, we embrace all 3 elements as we believe that a healthy body and mind make for a fulfilled soul. Each of our Professors embody the core philosophy of Owner and Head Professor Augusto Tanquinho that “through a fulfilled SOUL we can achieve greatness”. - AT
Our training techniques and focused approach on individual progression are essential elements that SFHQ brings to every member in every class. “It is my expectation that each student leaves with more knowledge, confidence, and soul every time they touch the mat”. - AT
No matter your level here at SFHQ the journey is the same. We will empower you, support you and share our knowledge with you.
“Enjoy the journey, embrace the mindset, build the body and fulfill the SOUL”. - AT
Augusto Tanquinho
4th Degree Black Belt / 6 x World Champion
Owner and Head Instructor
Come and check out our new world-class 12,700 sqft martial arts facility with huge zoned training areas for beginner to advanced, full shower facilities and separate locker rooms, kids play zone with TV and crafts, CCTV to parents seating area with high-top tables, refreshments fridge, muay thai training zone with heavy bags and equipment, MMA cage and loads more! Come and train with 6 x Black Belt World Champion Augusto Tanquinho today.

At Soul Fighters HQ, we are completely dedicated to offering our Jiu Jitsu students with programs and training specifically designed to meet their goals and level of experience.
Soul Fighters HQ offers a broad range of classes for all age groups and experience levels. Whether you’ve never trained before or you’re a seasoned competitor, Soul Fighters HQ and our World Class trainers have a program to take your training to the next level!
Learning a martial art, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in particular, is one of the best gifts you can provide a child. It provides character development and personal growth that will impact every area of their life, for the rest of their life.
Through appropriate and effective self-defense techniques, we instill the self-esteem and confidence needed to allow kids to defuse confrontations before they escalate, and how to protect and defend themselves in the event they are attacked.
Our curriculum includes classes where you practice and learn in the gi and classes without it, or "nogi" (referred to as submission grappling). The classes are still organized by level and the nogi classes will be designated as such on the schedule.
Our realistic approach to No Gi BJJ training applies real-world fundamental grappling to advanced techniques guided by 6 x World Champion Professor Tanquinho who holds 2 x No Gi Black Belt World Championships. Our No-Gi classes are fast-paced & perfect for self-defense!
The word “Jiu-Jitsu” is a derivative of the Japanese words: “Ju” and “Jutsu”. While “Ju” means “gentle”, “Jutsu” means “art”. So, you can regard the inherent meaning of Jiu-Jitsu as gentle art.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a fundamentally ground-based martial art that uses the principle of leverage, angles, pressure, and timing. For the practitioners, the knowledge of human anatomy is essential to achieve a non-violent submission of their opponent.
Unlike other martial arts that focus on strikes and kicks, Jiu-Jitsu focuses on close contact “grappling” holds and techniques.






Soul Fighters HQ is founded by 4th Degree Black Belt and 6 x World Champion, Augusto “Tanquinho” Mendes. Our world class facilities offer a welcoming environment for beginners to seasoned pros alike!
Soul Fighters HQ offers a spacious state-of-the-art 12,700 square foot facility, complete with separate men’s and women’s locker rooms, multiple training zones, an MMA cage, and huge main mat area, 1 on 1 strength and conditioning area and FloWater alkalized and oxygenated water Station.
Here at Soul Fighters HQ you will be welcomed into our Jiu Jitsu family and be guided by our world class instructors who have years of experience proven on the world stage in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation), and ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) considered the Olympics of grappling and the highest level of No Gi/grappling tournaments.
At Soul Fighters HQ we strive to cultivate a passionate and dedicated environment where our students feel confident and inspire each other to become better versions of themselves and reach their personal goals.
Come train with us today with a no obligation Free Trial and experience why Soul Fighters HQ is the best training facility to reach your full potential and goals!

“Jiu Jitsu is way more than being a champion or winning gold medals in competition. Jiu Jitsu taught me about discipline, perseverance, respect, hierarchy, hard work and many other values that we need to develop as a human being. I incorporated all of this into my life, and it became a lifestyle. Jiu Jitsu is an individual sport that needs the group union to make you evolve as a person and an athlete. It happens through the daily connections that only mat time gives you. Sharing life stories, encouraging others, working hard and being around people that are truly happy for their training partners achievements has an important relationship with human development. “
— Augusto Tanquinho
Head Instructor / Owner SFHQ, 6 X World Champion, 4th Degree Black Belt