Senior Citizens in Martial Arts - You Are Never Too Old!

As we get older and find more time in retirement or semi-retirement, we look for ways to fill our days. Maybe it’s a gym session or a nice walk, reading a book or a long lunch, maybe a new hobby.

How about combining the social outlet of Martial Arts with Self Defense?  

Don’t be put off thinking that it’s a Yong Persons activity as that could not be further from the truth. The benefits associated with our specifically designed “Seniors Only” program are an excellent way to stay healthy, meet new friends, learn new things, and most importantly remain active in Mind, Body, and SOUL.

Make Friends and Build Community

As seniors grow into their retirement their circumstances, including social connections, tend to decrease. They are no longer working hence daily interactions with coworkers, customers or support systems become negligible. As human beings we are social creatures who perform best within groups with the mental and physical stimulation that come with achievement, social interaction and belonging to a likeminded community.

Martial Arts epitomizes a culture of unity, social connection, trust, and comradery. Participating in a activity that involves physical contact builds special bonds that often last a lifetime.

Health & Wellbeing

Exercise is a critical component in maintaining our Health and Wellbeing. As we age our bodily functions and strength are just not the same as they were in our younger years. This is part of life’s evolution but with a conscious effort, good eating habits and regular exercise we can remain healthy in Mind, Body, and SOUL.

Our “Seniors Only” class helps maintain overall core strength, balance, and movement. These are key elements in managing Osteoporosis by strengthening the muscles around the skeleton structure without the risk of strain or over exertion.

Practicing martial arts will significantly reduce a senior’s risk for heart diseases through aerobic and anerobic exercise whilst learning in a fun environment. You are never too old for either!

Martial arts are an amazing all-round activity for Seniors that should be embraced. It provides social interaction whilst staying healthy and learning a practical skill set in a relaxed environment. 

Mental Health

The brain, like all our muscles, needs stimulation and exercise to stay healthy. Martial Arts is an excellent medium that through repetitive movement, techniques, thought process, hand eye coordination and muscle movement ticks all the boxes. Martial Arts can significantly help with focus and mental alertness in decision making, awareness and reaction. Mental Health is also linked to support, community and sharing your feelings. Our program is designed around the fundamental elements of being part of our family where we are on a journey of self-improvement together.

Remember you are never too old!

Please contact us for more information or book your free trial here now.


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